Overnight Boarding
365 / 24/7 HolidaysStarts at $75 / 24 Hours
DetailsOvernight Boarding
365 / 24/7
- Kennel Free, Cage Free, Free to explore 2 acres of land
- All day human companionship and enriching tasks
- Plenty of dog personalities to play with, and lots of sniff spots
- Access to indoor and outdoor spaces with private runs for 1-1 time
- Low ratio of dogs to handler, lots of bonding time
- Social Boarding + Daycamp
- $75 / 24 Hours
- Outdoor off-leash dog play sessions
- Scheduled individual and group play activities
- Break time for lunch period
- Private or Semi-Private Suite + Daycamp
- $85 / 24 Hours
- Everything included in our private suite package + daycamp program
- Open concept / kennel free private suite
- Ultimate Overnight VIP Package + Daycamp
- $99 / 24 Hours
- Private boarding inside our owner's home + daycamp program
- All night in bed or sleeping next to one of our staff members
- 4-Night minimum charge for stays during March Break and Christmas/New Years
- 2-Night minimum charge applies to stays involving all Statutory Holidays and their affiliated weekends
- Guests who are not picked up before closing will spend another night at their parent's expense
- Rates are subject to applicable taxes
Packing List:
- Food
- Medication
- Winter Coat *If necessary
- Please do not bring bowls, beds, travel kennels, x-pens, large tupperware. We are limited on kitchen space, we also have plenty of bowls and comfortable beds for our furry family
- Complex feeding menus & medication scheduling has additional surcharge of $5 / Day / Pet
- Complete Pathfinder's intake form and client agreement
- Up to date vaccines and preventative flea treatment
- Spayed / Neutered Pet *Please contact us regarding our policy about unfixed dogs